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NCIUA’s Strengthen Your Roof (SYR) Grant Program will provide grants of up to $10,000 for roof replacements with an IBHS FORTIFIED Roof.
NCIUA’s Strengthen Your Coastal Roof (SYCR) Grant Program will provide up to $6,000 for roof replacements with an IBHS FORTIFIED Roof.
A limited number of grants are available and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until all available funds are award.
For information on grant eligibility and availability, please visit:
SYR Grant Program: strengthenyourroof.com
SYCR Grant Program: strengthenyourcoastalroof.com
What makes FORTIFIED™ your best option in home protection?
FORTIFIED™ is a building method designed to improve and strengthen new and existing homes based on 20 years of testing and field research by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS). Get a FORTIFIED™ Roof to save money on insurance premiums and gain the peace of mind that comes with a stronger home.
Wind Mitigation Inspection
Installing wind-resistant features can protect buildings and potentially save homeowners money.
Four-Point Inspection
This inspection is performed on behalf of the insurance companies and, typically, a requirement to secure insurance on your home. The Four Point Insurance Inspection benefits both the insurance company and the insurer.
Helping You Make Your Home Stronger & Better Prepared
Choose certified FORTIFIED Professionals to walk you through the process.